Efficient and compliant outsourcing management

Our outsourcing management software, LENO, enables efficient, transparent, and regulation-compliant management of outsourcing, ICT services, and sub-outsourcing in accordance with DORA/EBA guidelines, MaRisk, and BAIT. The use of AI and a high degree of automation ensure high usability, data quality, and auditability.





Auswahl unserer Kunden

Dynamic Information Network

With our platform, business processes, assets and data can be managed and linked together intuitively, automatically and transparently.


User-friendly and fast onboarding of service providers, services and sub-services at individual and group level, taking into account your internal role concept

Risk Assessment

Regulatory-compliant risk analysis, service provider due diligence, and exit strategies, as well as automated measures registry and role-based integration of relevant control functions and internal audit

Register of Information

Fully automated and real-time outsourcing or information regiser according to DORA, featuring a hierarchical representation of all services and sub-services at both group and individual institute levels


Preparation of ad-hoc and regular reports based on standard KPIs/KRIs as well as implementation of controls and management of tasks

Effective Third Party & Outsourcing Risk Management

LENO implements all regulatory requirements relevant to outsourcing management such as MaRisk, EBA guidelines on outsourcing, BAIT, ESMA Cloud & DORA and is continuously developed further so that all regulatory innovations are always included.

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Easy to use

Dynamischer Informationsverbund

Mit unserer Plattform lassen sich Geschäftsprozesse, Assets und Daten intuitiv, automatisiert und transparent verwalten und miteinander verknüpfen.

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Dynamischer Informationsverbund

Mit unserer Plattform lassen sich Geschäftsprozesse, Assets und Daten intuitiv, automatisiert und transparent verwalten und miteinander verknüpfen.

Our experts are always at your side

Many years of expertise and practical advice in outsourcing management and third-party risk management

Establishment & further development of outsourcing management

Creation and updating of the SfO & implementation of training courses

Implementation of regulatory changes

Conducting gap analyses, creating & implementing action plans

Outsourcing Management as a Service (OMaaS)

Preparation of risk analyses and regular reports


Automatisierte und standardisierte Prozesse für weiger operative Tätigkeiten und bessere Datenqualität ​


LENO kann als Einzellösung oder gemeinsam mit anderen Produkten eingesetzt werden, was wir empfehlen


LENO setzt sämtliche regulatorischen Anforderungen wie MaRisk, BAIT, EBA/GL/2019/02 und DORA um

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